Rewording tool

Can I get a refund if I'm not satisfied with my purchase?

Since you upgraded to a premium account after being pleased with the free one, Means that you enjoyed our tool in the free version, we are unable to issue refunds for the premium subscription once you have paid for it.

Do I get a refund if I make two purchases?

Yes, if you buy the same plan twice, we will return you one of your two purchases. However, the Basic Monthly Package is not covered by the refund policy.

Is a refund available if I buy during the sale?

We are sorry, but we are unable to provide a refund for the discounted item. We can, however, stop the automatic renewal process if you want.

Is it possible to get a refund for a recurring charge?

When making a purchase, you have the option to select Manual or Automatic renewal at checkout. If you choose automatic renewal, your subscription will be billed again after the specified expiration date. After they have been processed, renewal fee cannot be refunded. But we can cancel the auto-renewal if you want.

You can contact us at [email protected]

If any of our Premium tools aren't working properly, can I receive a refund?

Errors are uncommon in our Premium Tools. If this occurs, we will be unable to issue a refund following company policy because the Tool will be improved and function more effectively than it did previously.

In any case, if your search queries are consumed without giving any results, we will be happy to add the queries back to your account, if the service is unavailable for longer than a day.

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